Thursday 10 November 2016

Ramsgate Royal Harbour and Port

The last 4 weeks have been tumultuous with Bretts asking Kent County Council for a Certificate of Lawfulness to create an aggregate washing plant on the port apron. This led to the creation of an action group to protest about the noise and pollution. This comes hard on the heels of O'Regan proposing a concrete block making plant which was withdrawn after, again, much protest. So why are we getting polluting industry for the port. To find out why we have to look back to the loss of the car ferry, Transeuropa, in 2012 owing £3.4M in berthing fees.
The Labour Cabinet commissioned a report to see if employment could be revived on the Port and here is a copy of the brief.

You will note there is no mention of any aggregate washing nor concrete block making however when the plan was expanded and promoted in 2014, at the Yacht club there was a great deal of promotion of industry at the port. What would be useful is to know how much influence the two planning officer White and Brown had in this plan's development.

To go with the pedestrianisation of Harbour Street we had some artist's drawings which at the time caused a great deal of angst, however with the regeneration of the Royal Pavilion maybe this idea needs some thought again

Oh and what happened to the Brett's proposal. Well it seems that after Natural England intervened Brett's decided they didn't want to suffer an Environmental Assessment and they withdrew.

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