Saturday, 2 January 2016

lessons unlearnt

Do you all remember this blog "Groupthink and the rise of the thug" well it seems SMA the Facebook group have failed to learn the lesson.

Take a good look at this (apologies for the language)
Seems their interest in Manston doesn't extent to manners or Morals. Further there is this comment from SMA reported on another FB page

"People may also like to note that our message remains positive, unlike Spencer Brooks from the failed Save Manston Airport campaign, who apparently would like to drop a bomb on certain individuals, simply because they disagree with him. Sounds reasonable - not."

 Whilst on the subject of turkeys voting for Xmas here is the flightpath over Ramsgate along with the dearest wish of the pro airport supporters.

Be careful what you are voting for should you wish to have an airport running a massive freight hub


  1. What is wrong with these horrible people.

  2. So Louisa Hynes is a fly poster,(on private property) wonder what else she's got upto?

  3. This is all rather silly. Perhaps it was something in the water that halted their development?

  4. Under the DCO process is it correct that anyone who will suffer blight as a result of the airport opening on a massively expanded scale should lodge a blight objection together with a claim for compensation. If so are all the residents under the flight path you post going to do so ? If you know the process and can let us know that would be great, perhaps it's part of the consultation process ? There's nothing on the puckle sites or no CPO but I wonder if there's a plan to engage the Nnf campaign group to do this on behalf of residents ?

    1. I think you may mean the blight notice to secretary of state to buy your property at market value ? having first tried to sell it to demonstrate the blight loss.

      As I understand it the applicant by now should have appointed a "Case Officer" to deal with objections as alternative dispute resolution. I simply emailed Roger Gale as if he is the case officer but he hasn't replied.

    2. Doubt Rogeroak thought on that yet,and even if he has "Roger just don't care"Tunnel vision he has for his mates!

  5. LBC radio had someone record the noise INSIDE their home when an A380 went over it. It was truly devastating. Wonder if the recording is on their website and can be posted on relevant Facebook sites for all to hear

  6. If Riveroak had anything to do with SHP/Manston then the 'Relevant'Facebook site mob would have no worries of A380s or any other flying machine in the sky over the site,(after a couple of years MAX!).SHP/Manston would be renamed 'RivernoOaktrees and full of what SuMA don't want,Houses!beginning Northside then all over the site.That was the deal as I understood it with Freudmann&Co 50/50. Humpty knows!

    1. yep and pay Ann Gloag and Co additional compensation and still make a housing development profit !

    2. 100% correct Richard.

    3. Oh and a good drink for sir Roger Gale for putting the squeeze on Ann Gloag,that was understood loud and clear.

  7. What foolish people - and councilors trying to develop a cargo airport and night flights. Thanet is full of cabbages

  8. There is no intention of running the old airfield as a airport for more than MAX two years.The deal was and still is Houses northside(private/ Council) while giving the airport a GO! Then once the airport failed as it would then build all over the site;again private/ Council.This was the deal from freudmann(Annex) and confirmed by David Smith CBE KCC that the Northside with Council land could all work together for sure,That was some of the deal put to the mystery buyer who in April 2014 pulled out for legal resons,Remember?

  9. I remember that,why the secretary? Was it Tony Freudmann of Annex aviation? Or another company?

  10. It was Freudmann (Annex aviation)with Gale who put Freudmann and investor together.

  11. keep up the good work Barry.Humpty Dumpty.
